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The Dr Libby Blog

Health & Wellbeing

Building great bone health

Many of us are aware that as we get older, we need to take even greater care of our bone health to maintain our bone

Health & Wellbeing

How to care for your liver

Of all the extraordinary organs in our bodies, the liver deserves a prize for being such a hard worker. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days


The Pill—what you need to know

The combined oral contraceptive pill (OCP), commonly known as ‘the Pill’, is one of the most well-known prescribed medications. Yet, it is something that many


Understanding progesterone

Progesterone is one of our key sex hormones and its name gives some indication of what it does in the body (think ‘pro-gestation’). Yet it


All about the hormonal IUD (Mirena®)

The hormonal IUD—commonly known by the brand name Mirena®—is a small, plastic T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus. It is considered a long-acting


Confused about nuts?

When it comes to eating nuts, you’ve likely heard conflicting viewpoints over the years. Some advice encourages us to avoid nuts due to their high

Health & Wellbeing

Office morning teas

Many of you are likely heading back to work about now, which might mean office morning teas and face-to-face team meetings – with food –


Energy myths busted

There are many nutritional, biochemical and emotional processes that contribute to whether or not we feel energised and full of vitality throughout the day. But


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