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What is stress actually costing you?

Think back to the last time you felt truly relaxed. Can you remember how it felt? Now, contrast that with a moment of high stress – your heart racing, mind whirling, a sense of being overwhelmed. For many, these moments of stress are not occasional; they are a persistent part of their daily lives. Yet, have you ever stopped to consider what this constant state of stress is really costing you? And is it really, truly necessary?

Stress is like a stealthy, silent saboteur that affects every aspect of our being. It starts small – an urgent deadline, a personal disagreement, a financial worry – but gradually builds up, weaving its way deeper into our lives and before too long we think that this is just how life is.

Stress isn’t just a mental or emotional experience; it has profound physical implications. When we’re stressed, our bodies release hormones like cortisol and adrenaline – the culprits behind the ‘fight or flight’ response. While these hormones are useful in acute situations, their continuous flow in your bloodstream can wreak havoc over time.

The biochemical cost of stress

Long-term stress can contribute to the development of serious health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and other illnesses. Stress can exacerbate nearly every pre-existing condition and can lead to the diagnosis of new conditions due to its effects on so many body systems. Yet, it’s not just the potential development of significant health challenges, it’s also the niggling symptoms that detract from your quality of life – the poor sleep, the hormonal disturbance, the digestive issues, the brain fog, fatigue, anxiety and the weakened immune system. These everyday ailments, while not life-threatening on their own, can significantly impair your daily functioning and overall sense of wellbeing. Chronic stress also contributes to chronic inflammation, which is a risk factor for many degenerative diseases. For this reason, truly addressing your stress isn’t just about avoiding major health crises – it’s about improving daily life and preventing the array of minor symptoms that can accumulate into more severe health problems over time.

The nutritional cost of stress

The nutritional cost of stress is often overlooked, yet it plays a crucial role in our overall health. Under stress, our body’s need for certain nutrients increases, particularly B vitamins, vitamin C, and magnesium, which are rapidly depleted in high-stress situations. Additionally, stress can lead to poor dietary choices, as people often turn to foods they perceive will offer them comfort that tend to be high in refined or artificial sugars, poor-quality fats, and empty calories, which can exacerbate the body’s stress response instead of mitigating it. This cycle of poor nutrition can impair digestion and absorption of nutrients, especially iron, leading to deficiencies that further compromise health. Over time, these nutritional gaps can further exacerbate the biochemical impact of stress, weakening the immune system, reducing energy levels, and slowing down recovery processes, making it harder for the body to cope with stress effectively and maintain optimal health.

The emotional cost of stress

When we are under chronic stress, our emotional resilience dwindles, often giving way to feelings of irritability, anxiety, and a depressed mood. This constant state of tension can strain personal and professional relationships, leading to disconnection and isolation. Over time, stress can erode our sense of joy and fulfillment, making us less engaged with life and less able to appreciate moments of happiness. Additionally, the perpetual fight-or-flight mode can cloud our judgment and decision-making abilities, making it difficult to respond effectively to everyday challenges. Addressing the emotional toll of stress is crucial, not only for maintaining healthy relationships and an uplifted outlook but also for preserving our overall psychological wellbeing.

Stress does not have to be an inevitable byproduct of modern living. If you find yourself frequently overwhelmed and yearning for a change, a pivotal question to ponder is: “How do I want to live?” This inquiry isn’t about awaiting the perfect circumstances or reaching a specific age to begin living as you desire. It’s about making both significant and subtle shifts right now, steering your life closer towards your vision with each step.

Often, we postpone our ideal lifestyle until external conditions change. Yet, it’s vital to realise that you can initiate minor, yet impactful steps towards your desired way of living without waiting for major changes. The common illusion that ‘there is plenty of time’ can be dangerously misleading. The truth might be that time is a luxury we don’t always have.

Initially, when you ask yourself “How do I want to live?” your first response might be something like, “I don’t want to work.” While earning money is a necessity for survival, allow this reflection to lead you to consider how much you truly need. Evaluating your financial and material requirements can profoundly affect how much you need to work, perhaps even allowing you to reduce your working hours.

Suppose you want to live with more vitality; you might start by walking for thirty minutes each day. If you miss connections with loved ones, perhaps you begin making weekly calls to let them know they’re valued. Or if you feel your work lacks impact, consider volunteering monthly to clean up your local beach or park.

Consider the concept of leisure time, which seems to have dwindled in recent years. Not so long ago, a balanced day consisted of eight hours each of work, leisure, and sleep. Today, work not only encroaches on our leisure but also cuts into our sleep, contributing to too many feeling an overwhelming burden. When reevaluating how you want to live, think about how to reclaim leisure time for activities that truly rejuvenate your spirit.

Identifying how you wish to live doesn’t mean major changes can or will happen immediately; some might take years to unfold or achieve. However, by integrating even small steps toward these changes, you might discover that other areas of your life begin to transform in unexpected and helpful ways. And the profound impact this gradual transformation can have on your overall stress levels might be more significant than you could ever predict.

It’s vital to understand that nothing in the entire world can replace a highly nutritious way of eating. Supplements are designed to supplement –

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