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Food and mood: some ways gut health affect calm and contentment

When we think of our mood, we tend to think of it as being related to our brain. Yet many neurotransmitters are actually made in the gut. Serotonin is a hormone (and neurotransmitter) that leads us to feel happy, calm, and content, and about 80 per cent of the serotonin in the body is made in the gut. There are also particular strains of gut bacteria that contribute to the production of a range of neurotransmitters, including dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric (GABA), which exhibits powerful antianxiety properties. Besides the impact that poor digestion and an unhealthy gut microbiome have on our neurotransmitter production, in more general terms digestive challenges can leave us feeling lousy as we combat uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, excessive gas, cramps, and indigestion. Supporting good gut health can play a significant role in how we feel each day. Here are some gut-loving foods that can help to improve your mood and keep your microbiome happy.

Fermented foods

Fermented foods are foods that have been through a process of fermentation (usually lacto-fermentation) in which bacteria feed on the sugars and starches in the food, creating lactic acid. This process preserves the food, plus some types of bacteria are able to produce B-vitamins. The fermentation of foods may also assist in making the food easier to digest. There are some suggestions that the bacteria in fermented foods are able to colonise the large intestine, however, stomach acid is supposed to kill any bacteria we swallow. If they are able to reach the colon, the acids in the fermented foods may offer some protection, allowing certain species to survive their journey through the digestive tract.  However, this mechanism is not yet well understood. It may be that the acetic acid present in many fermented foods helps to promote good stomach acid production, crucial for establishing a healthy pH gradient throughout the entire digestive system, and this may explain the link between the consumption of fermented foods and improved digestion. Fermented foods include sauerkraut, kombucha, miso, kefir, and fermented cashew cheese. You can buy fermented products or make your own.


Bananas contain an amino acid called tyrosine, essential for the production of dopamine and serotonin. The riper the banana, the more tyrosine it offers. Bananas are also rich in B group vitamins, including vitamin B6, as well as magnesium, both essential for relaxation and a calm nervous system. Other food sources of tyrosine include almonds, eggs, and meats.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is a good source of tryptophan, an amino acid that supports the production of serotonin. Chocolate consumption also drives the brain to produce another chemical called anandamide, which has been shown to temporarily block feelings of pain and those associated with a low mood. Dopamine is also produced when we eat chocolate, and this can have a mood-lifting effect on many people. However, for those with already elevated dopamine levels, excessive amounts of chocolate can lead to tension and aggression. So, like with all things related to mood, there is no one size fits all. Some find chocolate enhances their mood, for others, it gives them a headache and/or fires them up. It also contains caffeine which leads us to produce adrenaline, the hormone behind anxious feelings and a sleep disrupter. So again, for some, it supports mood, while for others it can add to an already heightened state that can be very uncomfortable.

Plant foods

Our gut bugs love plenty of plant foods. Some of the fibres naturally present in plants act as food for our gut bacteria and when the bacteria ferment the fibre, they produce short-chain fatty acids. These nourish the cells that line our gut to keep it happy and functioning optimally.

It is important to remember that the foods which are nourishing for one person may not be nourishing for another. I’ve lost count of the number of people I’ve met who have continued to eat certain foods they have been told are “healthy”, despite their body sending them clear messages (often in the form of gut symptoms) that these foods aren’t right for them.

When we begin to pay more attention to how we feel after we eat, we can learn how to identify our body’s messages and improve our intuition around what’s right for us and what’s not. This includes what we eat and how to take better care of ourselves, but also extends beyond that to having the clarity of mind to make important decisions and the ability to get through our daily tasks without feeling overwhelmed.

What kind of life do you want for yourself?

When was the last time you stopped to take stock of your life – to consider whether the direction your life is going is the direction you would like it to go? The speed of everyday living can sometimes pick us up and carry us down the river. We get so absorbed in the day-to-day that we don’t realise the current has taken us in a different direction than perhaps we intended.

As children and young adults, we tend to dream big for ourselves. Then, perhaps due to adult life having more responsibilities than we anticipate in our youth, we don’t end up pursuing the things we wanted for ourselves back then. Or maybe we grow out of wanting to drive trains or be a ballerina. Or perhaps as we flow along with the current we discover an interest in numbers that we didn’t have in school or we fall in love and start a family and this changes our perspective on what we want for ourselves.

All of this is to say that, so long as you are happy it doesn’t matter what kind of life you lead or how different it is from the one you intended for yourself. Yet, if you feel in your heart that where you find yourself now is not where you want to be, then see this as a sign that you would benefit immensely from some change.

In the words of Mary Oliver: what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

While most of us can’t drop everything and travel the world to satisfy our burning wanderlust, move our family to another city on a whim or quit working completely—we tend to forget that we don’t have to make drastic changes to be rewarded with more excitement, contentedness or fulfillment in our lives. 

If you are feeling in your heart that you need a slight change in direction, here are three things that may help you to achieve the kind of life you want for yourself. 

1. Get clear on what you want

To be able to make effective change you must first understand what is driving your disharmony. Whatever it is that is a source of discontent for you, take pen and paper, sit down and really get clear on what is at the heart of it for you. For example, if your job doesn’t light you up and the working week is uninspiring, try to dig deep as to why. For example, is it the workplace culture or the work itself?

If the life that you want for yourself feels so far from where you are now, it can seem completely unachievable. This may lead you to feel stuck and you may even find yourself resentful because you feel powerless to change anything. So once you’re clear on what it is exactly that you want to change, work out how you can take small incremental steps to get where you want to be. Small change is much more sustainable than major change and since it’s unlikely you’re going to be able to drop everything and start again from scratch, little steps will feel much more manageable.

2. Quieten comparison

As the saying goes, comparison is the thief of joy. If you are caught up in comparing your life to those around you, you will only lose touch with whatever it is you truly want for yourself. And likely make yourself miserable in the process. Remember that you are probably comparing your entire life—the good, bad and ugly—with someone else’s highlights reel.

Try also to quell any worries about what others might think of you. There’s nothing to say that you can’t take a complete change in direction at any stage in your life. Age is only a barrier if you allow it to be. Rather than think about how old you are, consider how many years you have left to live and what you want them to be filled with. One, two, or three short years of hardship may be a small price to pay for another ten to twenty of comparative bliss.

3. Consider your perception

It is also important to consider whether your perception may be interfering with your happiness. When you want a certain coloured car of a specific make and model, you suddenly see those cars everywhere, don’t you? It’s not that all of a sudden there are more of them though. They have always been there. It is simply that now a part of your brain, called the reticular activating system, is primed to notice them.

If you were given a piece of white paper with a small black dot in the centre of the page and asked to write about what you saw, most people focus on the black dot. And that’s what we do with our lives—focus on the challenges and the disappointments—when these things are very small when compared to everything else that we have. Start to focus instead on the white space on the page—the joys, the possibilities, the opportunities—and notice how your perception of everything changes with it.


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