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How the body gets the message it’s safe (and why it’s important it does)

Feeling safe—physically and emotionally—is vital to our health. If we don’t feel safe, knowingly or unknowingly, it can result in the stress response being switched on more often than it is off. And this can take an immense toll on our inner health, our sleep, as well as what reflects on the outside.

In the middle of your brain sits the hypothalamus, the commanding conductor of your body’s endocrine system which is the assortment of glands that make hormones throughout your body. Among other important tasks, it asks 24/7: ‘Am I safe?’ It makes that assessment via two predominant fields: the physical and the emotional. It monitors every heartbeat, breath and aspect of our internal landscape, reporting back on our sensory experiences, energy reserves and whether stress hormones are present. Based on the response it receives (a distinct ‘yes’ or ‘no’; there is no grey area with ‘safety’ in the body), the hypothalamus then communicates to the pituitary gland—I call her the ‘mother gland’—whether you are indeed safe or not. She then sends out her signals based on whether she received information about your safety or a lack thereof.

That means that your adrenal glands (where you make stress hormones, some sex hormones, as well as blood pressure- and fluid-regulating hormones, just to name a few), thyroid, ovaries, and parts of your digestive system, then make their hormones to suit your ‘conditions’, i.e. whether you are safe or not.

So let’s back up the bus and work out how your body gets the message that you are safe or not.

On a physical level

When the hypothalamus enquires, “Am I safe?” it turns to the various components of your nervous system, including those involved in fear and emotions, for guidance. Adrenaline, a messenger that permeates every cell, sends a clear message to the hypothalamus—your life is in jeopardy. It matters little whether this adrenaline surge is triggered by an overwhelming to-do list, excessive caffeine consumption, or a genuine life-threatening situation (which, thankfully, is relatively rare). Another circumstance that can erroneously signal danger to the hypothalamus is a highly restrictive diet accompanied by insufficient food intake and excessive exercise. Remarkably, your body fails to differentiate between eating too little due to a scarcity of food and consciously opting to restrict your diet.

As soon as the hypothalamus receives this distressing “I’m not safe” information—a response faster than conscious thought—it instantaneously alerts the pituitary gland. In turn, the pituitary gland orchestrates a hormonal cascade, communicating the “no” verdict to other endocrine glands.


Every human has a set of rules that they don’t know about unless they’ve gone looking for what has to happen for them to feel a certain way—including to feel safe. When I’ve done this exercise with clients, when I ask them what has to happen for them to feel safe, the responses often cover a broad range of different areas of life. For example, for some people the first life department they reference when asked this question is about physical safety. They’ll say they feel safe as long as the doors and windows are locked.

Others start talking to me about their finances—they feel like they need a certain amount of money in the bank or invested to feel safe, so they know that their future is taken care of in this way. Other people go straight to explaining how their relationships must be, particularly their intimate relationship or those with their inner circle.

They might say that they don’t feel safe if they are on the receiving end of a raised voice on a regular basis. Other people tell me what has to be happening for their children if they are to feel safe. My point is, what is required for people to feel safe on an emotional level is highly varied. Yet if you have never explored this, chances are you live too many moments of too many days where the hypothalamus receives the message ‘no’ when it enquires if you are safe, due to your subconscious safety ‘rules’ not being met. It is a worthwhile exercise to do.

Take a moment to reflect on the frequency with which your body endures heightened adrenaline levels due to caffeine consumption, your perception of constant pressure and urgency along with your ‘rules’ for what you need in order to feel safe. Contemplate the implications of this on your endocrine system—how frequently it receives the overwhelming message that safety eludes you. This complex interplay of this aspect of our endocrine system often bewilders individuals who sense their health deteriorating and embark on a quest for answers. The symptoms they experience—suboptimal functioning of various glands, not necessarily indicative of disease—leave them uncertain about whether to focus on their adrenals, thyroid, or reproductive system. Sometimes addressing this message that there is a perceived lack of safety is the key.

5 neurotransmitters you want to ensure you’re producing enough of 

In the intricate tapestry of human emotions, neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that play a key role in our wellbeing and happiness. There are around 100 of them in total. GABA, serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins are the superheroes of the brain – responsible for creating sensations of calm, joy, love and pleasure.

Let’s explore these five superstar neurotransmitters and how you can ensure your body is able to produce them in ideal amounts from a nutritional perspective.


GABA acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. Its primary function is to reduce the activity of neurons thus promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. An optimal supply of GABA in your system can offer a range of benefits that contribute to overall wellbeing. It can help alleviate anxiety, promote deep and restorative sleep and also plays a role in reducing habits of addiction.

To enhance GABA production, engage in mindfulness practices, exercise regularly, prioritise quality sleep and consume foods rich in glutamate and B vitamins, such as meat, fish, vegetables, whole grains (if you digest them well) and nuts.

2. Serotonin

Serotonin, often referred to as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, plays a crucial role in regulating mood and emotions, sleep, appetite, memory and even some of our social behaviours.

It is primarily synthesised in the gut and the brain, where it influences various physiological processes. It helps to modulate our emotions, enhancing feelings of happiness, contentment and general emotional stability. It plays a role in helping to prevent a sustained, depressed mood.

Interestingly, serotonin is also involved in regulating appetite and food intake. It helps to control feelings of satiety, or fullness and influences our cravings for certain foods. That’s why alterations in serotonin levels may lead to disruptions in appetite, contributing to conditions such as binge eating or appetite suppression. They are usually myriad other factors involved though.

Serotonin also has a profound impact on our sleep patterns as healthy serotonin levels in the daylight hours, help to promote good melatonin levels in darkness. So it plays a role in helping to regulate the circadian rhythm (our sleep-wake cycle).

Some ways to boost serotonin levels include engaging in regular exercise, exposing yourself to natural sunlight (especially in the morning), practising gratitude and acts of kindness. Nutritionally, the amino acid tryptophan found in protein-rich foods and nutrients such as B vitamins, Vitamin C, magnesium, zinc and folate are important for serotonin production. So consuming plenty of whole real foods, especially those rich in protein, will support this neurotransmitter.  A good quality dark chocolate also provides us with tryptophan.

3. Dopamine

Dopamine, commonly known as the “reward” neurotransmitter, is a chemical messenger that plays a crucial role in our brain’s reward and pleasure pathways. It is involved in supporting various functions, including motivation, movement, attention and reinforcement of behaviours.

When we engage in pleasurable activities such as eating delicious food, receiving praise, or achieving a goal, dopamine is released, creating a sense of contentment and reinforcing the behaviour that led to it. This reinforcement mechanism helps motivate us to seek out pleasurable experiences and repeat rewarding behaviours. This is one reason we can end up eating way more sugar or junk than we intend to – we can get addicted to the dopamine hit it gives us.  

Dopamine also plays a critical role in motivation and goal-directed behaviour. When dopamine levels are optimal, it can enhance our mood, focus, drive and determination. Additionally, dopamine contributes to movement coordination.

To increase dopamine levels, set and achieve small goals, engage in creative activities, practise mindful eating, exercise regularly and cultivate healthy social connections. Notice when you are taking part in/doing something you love. Nutritionally, amino acids from protein sources, B vitamins from a wide variety of whole, real foods and minerals such as magnesium and zinc are essential for the production of this neurotransmitter. Leafy greens vegetables are rich in magnesium so consuming plenty of vegetables is essential. Zinc is found in oysters and red meat and there is a small amount in eggs and seeds, like sunflower seeds.

4. Oxytocin

Oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone,” is released during social bonding, physical touch and lactation. It promotes feelings of trust, love and connection. In addition to its role in social bonding, oxytocin also has effects on stress regulation. It has been shown to reduce the activity of the body’s stress response system, helping to alleviate feelings of anxiousness and promoting a sense of calm and wellbeing. Oxytocin can also enhance resilience to stress, allowing individuals to cope more effectively with challenging situations.

To boost oxytocin production, hug loved ones, engage in meaningful conversations, practise acts of kindness and engage in activities that foster trust and emotional intimacy. Patting a pet, like a dog, has also been shown to support production of oxytocin.

5. Endorphins

Endorphins, often referred to as the body’s “natural painkillers” or “feel-good chemicals,” are fascinating neurotransmitters that play a crucial role in our experience of pleasure and pain modulation. They are part of the opioid system in the brain and are released in response to certain stimuli. They are known to produce a sense of pleasure and can create a state of temporary analgesia, reducing the perception of pain.

Endorphins are released during various activities, with exercise being a well-known trigger. When we engage in moderate to intense physical activity, such as running, dancing, or cycling, the body responds by releasing endorphins. This is often referred to as the “runner’s high” and is characterised by feelings of euphoria, reduced pain sensitivity and an overall sense of wellbeing.

Endorphins can also be released in response to stress or pain. When the body experiences stress or discomfort, endorphins are produced to help alleviate these sensations. This natural pain relief response can help us cope with challenging situations and promote a sense of resilience. Apart from pain modulation, endorphins can also have mood-enhancing effects. They contribute to a sense of happiness and can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. The release of endorphins can lead to improved mood, increased relaxation, and a general sense of optimism.

To stimulate endorphin production, engage in regular exercise, try laughter therapy or humour-based activities, listen to uplifting music, practise slow breathing exercises and indulge in activities that bring you joy.

Nutritionally, the amino acid tryptophan found in protein-rich whole real foods, B vitamins, magnesium and zinc are important for the synthesis of endorphins. Red meats, seafoods, nuts and seeds are sources of zinc, however it is becoming difficult to consume adequate amounts. Given its important role in neurotransmitter production, supplementation can be of benefit.

It’s important to note that gut health and the presence of specific gut bacteria play a crucial role in neurotransmitter production, particularly serotonin, GABA and dopamine. For more on this, read this article on food and mood


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